I am a microeconomic theorist specialising in social choice, mechanism design and cooperative game theory. More concretely, my research agenda revolves around two timeless challenges central to liberal democracies: the stability of constitutions, and individual rights. Currently, I am a postdoctoral research fellow in the Quantitative Social & Management Sciences Research Centre (QSMS) at the Budapest University of Technology & Economics (BME). I obtained my PhD in Economics from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in 2024 under the supervision of Ben McQuillin & Mich Tvede. Prior to this, I obtained Master's Degrees from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) & the University of Essex (UoE), and a Bachelor's Degree from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).
Email: hermida [dot] rivera [dot] hector [at] gtk [dot] bme [dot] hu
Website: www.hectorhermidarivera.com
Profiles: BME, LinkedIn, ORCID, Google Scholar, RePEc, Research Gate, Scopus, SSRN & WoS
Office: QA327, Budapest University of Technology & Economics, 1117, Budapest, Hungary